Oh ia ngomong masalah photo anda dapat membaca tutorial saya sebelumnya mengenai Filter Photo Seperti Instagram.
Pada tutorial kali ini saya memanfaatkan library open souce php nudity filter librarynya bagus hasilnya sangat akurat namun sangat disayangkan memakan terlalu banyak memori sehinggah proses filtrasi terasa lambat.
Berikut librarynya
<?php class NudityFilter { var $file, // full path of image file $filename, // image file name $img_w, // image width $img_h, // image height $last_from, // previous `from` region number $last_to, // previous `to` region number $pixel_map, // array of skin pixel holding region number $merge_regions, // array of pixel number which are merged in a region $detected_regions, // array of skin pixel for arranging region number $skin_regions, // array of skin regions, store number of pixels in a region $error, // last error message $log; // array of log message /** * @return bool True if it is nude picture */ function check($file) { $this->file = $file; $this->reset_var(); // get image info $start = microtime(true); $img_info = getimagesize($this->file); if ($img_info === false) { $this->error = $this->filename .' is not an image file'; return false; } $this->img_w = $img_info[0]; $this->img_h = $img_info[1]; switch ($img_info[2]) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $img_type = 'gif'; $img = imagecreatefromgif($this->file); break; case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $img_type = 'jpg'; $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->file); break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $img_type = 'png'; $img = imagecreatefrompng($this->file); break; default: $this->error = 'Unsupported image type ('. $this->filename . ')'; return false; } if ($img === false) { $this->error = 'Failed to read image file ('. $this->filename .')'; return false; } $this->log[] = 'Finish reading image file in '.number_format(microtime(true) - $start, 4). ' secs'; // iterate image from top left to bottom right $x = 0; $y = 0; $i = 0; while ($y < $this->img_h) { while ($x < $this->img_w) { $rgb = imagecolorat($img, $x, $y); $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF; $g = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF; $b = $rgb & 0xFF; $skin_px = false; if ($this->classify_skin($r, $g, $b)) { $this->pixel_map[$i] = 0; // pixel_map stores `region` value of the skin pixel $region = -1; // check neighbouring pixels for skin pixel, if one of them is skin pixel, all subsequent pixels will be labelled as skin pixel // left, above left, above, above right pixel relative to current pixel (order of checking is important) $check_pixels = array($i-1, ($i-$this->img_w)-1, $i-$this->img_w, ($i-$this->img_w)+1); foreach ($check_pixels as $cpx) { if (isset($this->pixel_map[$cpx])) { if ($this->pixel_map[$cpx] != $region && $region != -1 && $this->last_from != $region && $this->last_to != $this->pixel_map[$cpx]) { $this->add_merge_region($region, $this->pixel_map[$cpx]); } $region = $this->pixel_map[$cpx]; $skin_px = true; } } if ($skin_px) { // one of neighbouring pixel is skin pixel, so need to update current pixel region // to that neighbour pixel region number if ($region > -1) { if (!isset($this->detected_regions[$region])) { $this->detected_regions[$region] = array(); } $this->pixel_map[$i] = $region; $this->detected_regions[$region][] = $this->pixel_map[$i]; } } else { // append new region number to this pixel $this->pixel_map[$i] = count($this->detected_regions); $this->detected_regions[] = array($this->pixel_map[$i]); } } $x++; $i++; } $x = 0; $y++; } $this->log[] = 'Finish reading all pixels in '.number_format(microtime(true) - $start, 4). ' secs'; $this->merge_and_clear(); $this->log[] = 'Finish merge_and_clear() in '.number_format(microtime(true) - $start, 4). ' secs'; $result = $this->analyze_regions(); $this->log[] = 'Process completed in '.number_format(microtime(true) - $start, 4). ' secs'; return $result; } /** * Reset class variables for current checking process */ private function reset_var() { $this->filename = basename($this->file); $this->last_from = -1; $this->last_to = -1; $this->pixel_map = array(); $this->merge_regions = array(); $this->detected_regions = array(); $this->log = array(); $this->error = ''; } /** * Determine if current pixel is a skin pixel * @param int $r `red` color component * @param int $g `green` color component * @param int $b `blue` color component * @return bool True if this pixel is a skin pixel */ private function classify_skin($r, $g, $b) { // A Survey on Pixel-Based Skin Color Detection Techniques $rgb_classifier = (($r>95) && ($g>40 && $g <100) && ($b>20) && ((max($r,$g,$b) - min($r,$g,$b)) > 15) && (abs($r-$g)>15) && ($r > $g) && ($r > $b)); // normalize rgb $sum = $r+$g+$b; $nr = $this->div($r,$sum); $ng = $this->div($g,$sum); $norm_rgb_classifier = (($this->div($nr,$ng)>1.185) && ($this->div(($r*$b),(pow($r+$g+$b,2))) > 0.107) && ($this->div(($r*$g),(pow($r+$g+$b,2))) > 0.112)); // to hsv list($h, $s) = $this->to_hsv($r, $g, $b); $hsv_classifier = ($h > 0 && $h < 35 && $s > 0.23 && $s < 0.68); return ($rgb_classifier || $norm_rgb_classifier || $hsv_classifier); } /** * Convert RGB value to HSV * @param int $r `red` color component * @param int $g `green` color component * @param int $b `blue` color component * @return array HSV component */ private function to_hsv($r, $g, $b) { $h = 0; $mx = max($r, $g, $b); $mn = min($r, $g, $b); $df = $mx - $mn; if ($mx == $r) { $h = $this->div(($g - $b),$df); } else if ($mx == $g) { $h = 2+$this->div(($g - $r),$df); } else { $h = 4+$this->div(($r - $g),$df); } $h = $h * 60; if ($h < 0) { $h = $h+360; } return array( $h, 1-(3*$this->div((min($r,$g,$b)),($r+$g+$b))), (1/3)*($r+$g+$b) ); } /** * when iterating from top left pixel to bottom right, some early pixels marked as skin pixel and some don't, * if skin pixel are not continuous, each skin pixels will be marked as new region (and the region number will increase), * but even if skin pixels that have only one pixel gap, will be treated as two different region * so add_merge_region() will merge skin & non-skin pixels that are near to each other and combine under one region * @param int $from * @param int $to * @return null */ private function add_merge_region($from, $to) { $this->last_from = $from; $this->last_to = $to; $from_idx = -1; $to_idx = -1; foreach ($this->merge_regions as $k => $mr) { if (in_array($from, $mr)) { $from_idx = $k; } if (in_array($to, $mr)) { $to_idx = $k; } } // cannot merge same region (in same $this->merge_regions[$k]) if ($from_idx != -1 && $to_idx != -1 && $from_idx == $to_idx) { return; } // no element inside $this->merge_regions if ($from_idx == -1 && $to_idx == -1) { $this->merge_regions[] = array($from, $to); // add new element (array element) to $this->merge_regions array return; } // $from exists in $this->merge_regions if ($from_idx != -1 && $to_idx == -1) { $this->merge_regions[$from_idx][] = $to; // add new element to an array element (identified by $from_idx) inside $this->merge_regions array return; } // $to exists in $this->merge_regions if ($from_idx == -1 && $to_idx != -1) { $this->merge_regions[$to_idx][] = $from; return; } // both $to and $from exists, merge them into $from, then empty $this->merge_regions[$to_idx] if ($from_idx != -1 && $to_idx != -1 && $from_idx != $to_idx) { $this->merge_regions[$from_idx] = array_merge($this->merge_regions[$from_idx], $this->merge_regions[$to_idx]); unset($this->merge_regions[$to_idx]); return; } } /** * Get merge_regions pixel data, get only regions of certain size and store to skin_regions * data in skin_regions will be used to determine if picture contains nudity or not */ private function merge_and_clear() { $det_regions = array(); $this->skin_regions = array(); foreach ($this->merge_regions as $i => $mr) { if (!isset($det_regions[$i])) { $det_regions[$i] = array(); } foreach ($mr as $m) { if (!empty($this->detected_regions[$m])) { $det_regions[$i] = array_merge($det_regions[$i], $this->detected_regions[$m]); } unset($this->detected_regions[$m]); } } if (!empty($this->detected_regions)) { foreach ($this->detected_regions as $dr) { $det_regions[] = $dr; } } // only pushes regions which are bigger than a specific amount to the final result foreach ($det_regions as $dt) { $count_dt = count($dt); if ($count_dt > 30) { $this->skin_regions[] = $count_dt; } } } /** * analyze skin_regions based on criteria on the research paper * @return <type> */ private function analyze_regions() { // if there are less than 3 regions if (count($this->skin_regions) < 3) { return false; } // sort the detected regions by size rsort($this->skin_regions); $total_pixel = $this->img_w * $this->img_h; $total_skin = array_sum($this->skin_regions); // check if there are more than 15% skin pixel in the image if (($total_skin/$total_pixel)*100 < 15) { return false; } // check if the largest skin region is less than 35% of the total skin count // AND if the second largest region is less than 30% of the total skin count // AND if the third largest region is less than 30% of the total skin count if (($this->skin_regions[0]/$total_skin)*100 < 35 && ($this->skin_regions[1]/$total_skin)*100 < 30 && ($this->skin_regions[2]/$total_skin)*100 < 30) { return false; } // check if the number of skin pixels in the largest region is less than 45% of the total skin count if (($this->skin_regions[0]/$total_skin)*100 < 45) { return false; } // @todo: // build the bounding polygon by the regions edge values: // Identify the leftmost, the uppermost, the rightmost, and the lowermost skin pixels of the three largest skin regions. // Use these points as the corner points of a bounding polygon. // @todo: // check if the total skin count is less than 30% of the total number of pixels // AND the number of skin pixels within the bounding polygon is less than 55% of the size of the polygon // if this condition is true, it's not nude. // @todo: include bounding polygon functionality // if there are more than 60 skin regions // @todo: the average intensity within the polygon is less than 0.25 if (count($this->skin_regions) > 60){ return false; } return true; } /** * Safe division operation, check for division by zero * @param int|float $a * @param int|float $b * @return int|float */ private function div($a, $b) { if ($b == 0) { return 0; } else { return $a / $b; } } } ?>
huh panjang banget ya librarynya ,dan untuk pemakaiannya sebagai berikut:
require_once 'NudityFilter.class.php';// meload class nudity filter $gambar = 'gambar.png';// gambar yang akan di cek $nf = new NudityFilter();// membuat objek filter if($nf->check($gambar)){ echo 'gambar terdeteksi sebagai gambar porno'; } else { echo 'gambar baik-baik saja'; }Yups program filter gambar porno dengan php telah selesai dibuat... selamat mencoba
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